Tuesday, November 2, 2010

My New Book Obsession

As most of you know I'm OBSESSED w/ The Twilight Saga. Sadly the Twilight movies are coming to an end *crying*. Sure I love The Sookie Stackhouse Series(True Blood) and The Vampire Diaries Show&Books. But I had to find a set of another books that could truly pull me in and have the ability to be an amazing movie. That set of books is The Hunger Games Trilogy...if you haven't picked up you should! It's an amazing series. NO it has nothing to do w/ Vampires or Supernatural...I can't even find the words to describe how awesome this series is...JUST GOOGLE IT AND PICK IT UP! It's going to be made into a movie soon.
If you're already a Hunger Games Fan(or plan on reading it soon) You should visit one of the Best Hunger Game Fansites
Down With The Capitol-A Hunger Games Fansite
They Keep you up to date w/ all things Hunger Games. There's even a poll on there for you to vote on who you think should play the Characters.
I Personally Think JODELLE FERLAND should Play Katniss...SHE'S PERFECT FOR THE PART! She's an avid fan of the Trilogy and even dressed up as her for Halloween...you can check it out at this link.
Jodelle's Costume on DWTC's Website


Until Next Time's thoughts or rant loves,

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